Miniature Horses also need much less pasture, food,and less expensive shelter.

Take a look at the Breeder's List Breeder's List for WCMHR to find your miniature horse


Miniature Horses can be enjoyed by people of all ages!
Many people are switching to miniatures because of the ability to still enjoy having horses without the cost associated with maintaining a full size horse. Miniature Horses make excellent pets, companions, show horses in halter and performance , and theraphy animals.
Riders are switching to driving miniature horses in carts or wagons.

AN EQUESTRIAN LIFE at approximately 1/4 or less of the cost of a full-size horse
Online Registration
Current-Year Foal............$20
Two-Year Old......................30
Three or Older....................35
Geldings any age, with/without pedigree

2023 foal from Rocking Horse Ranch MO, LLC